"Don't you worry, Universe Child. You and God are not one breath apart."
"The Long Road Home: A Collection of Poems from an Open Heart" is the first published collection of poetry by Brandon Thompson. Its poems reflect the penetrating immediacy, passion, and compassion of a mindful lover on the path of Awakening. By means of its five sections, "Contemplations," "Love and Awakening," "Shadow of Love," "Fire of Love," and "Letters," it tells the story of the author's explorations with sacred love and relationship, the trials and challenges of his shadow, and the joys of spiritual/contemplative living. Brandon intends for this book to be an offering to the world, providing hope, inspiration, and peace to those walking the path of love and illumination. For those on the Path, the author wishes for you to know, by means of this work, that you are never alone. "The Long Road Home" is currently in its Second Edition, and includes a sixth section, "Glimpses," which will give the reader a taste of what poet Brandon Thompson has been writing since first publishing this book in 2012. With humility, Brandon offers the reader a glimpse of what's to come in future publications.
What are people saying about "The Long Road Home"?
"I have long admired Brandon Thompson. This collection of elegant and heart-pulsating poetry is the tip of the iceberg for him. A triumph in its own right, Thompson's work will continue to flourish past this exceptional and unusually high bar." ~ Anthony Nathan, Indianapolis, Illinois
"What a gift Brandon and his words are. Through his words, you feel his heart bursting with compassion, love, support, guidance and humor. I am a better person for knowing him. The care and thought he puts into his work through his words has inspired me to expand on my expressions through my own words. This book is a treasure to read through in entirety or to pick up, flip through and let a passage shoot straight into your soul. I love having my copy and a piece of his magic in my home. Highly recommended." ~ Julie Angerosa, Utica, New York
"I believe, like Meister Eckhart once said, 'The purpose of a word is to reveal.' This incredible little collection of poems uncovers such beauty and wisdom in ways that are both perfectly simple and profound. Brandon's book is a continual source of inspiration and joy for me and for all who long to come home to the soulful essence that lies within and beyond these words. A must have for all lovers of poetry and spirituality!" ~ Jenny Clarke, Clermont, Florida
"This book really takes me and my whole Self at 'home'. With splendid beauty of selected words and comprehensive topics of the contents, I thank Brandon for crafting this peacefully soul-purifying book which well bleaches my inner dirtiness. 'The Long Road Home' deserves a respectful palm and a low bow from me. Thank you for this exceptionally soulful book and I'm waiting for his next release!" ~ Suthasinee Chaolertseree, Bangkok, Thailand
Purchase "The Long Road Home" on Amazon here:
“perhaps we should say, dear ones,
that heart
is where the home is”